As a professional counselor, you know that sexting is a problem within your school or greater community. Now you can become a listed Sexting Solutions® provider in your area.
This training is designed for professional counselors, and the following educational requirements are enforced:
- Preferred: Completion of a Master’s Level Counseling, Social Work or Psychology Degree
- Considered: Extensive experience in the social services field including an awareness of mandatory reporting requirements
- Step by step instruction on how to use the curriculum
- Sexting Solutions® Trainers’ Guide
- Access to the Sexting Solutions IntraWeb providing:
- Videos for the class
- Relevant course material
- Research and articles related to sexting
- Access to peer forum for professionals using the curriculum
- Listing on the database as a Sexting Solutions Provider for your area
- 10 Sexting Solution 40 pp. copyrighted workbooks for participants (additional workbooks can be purchased)
- Certificate of completion